Guides / Theming


Your book should look and feel your own, so ElmBook provides a few ways you can customize it's theme.

Custom Header

You can choose a different logo, title and subtitle for your book:

main : Book x
main =
    book "Custom Title"
        |> withThemeOptions
            [ ElmBook.ThemeOptions.subtitle "Custom Subtitle",
            , ElmBook.ThemeOptions.logo (img [ src "/mycompanylogo.png" ] [])
        |> withChapters []

Or you can go full custom and provide your own thing:

main : Book x
main =
    book "Custom Header"
        |> withThemeOptions
            [ ElmBook.ThemeOptions.header myCustomHeader
        |> withChapters []

myCustomHeader : Html msg
myCustomHeader =

Custom Colors

I mean… we all love Elm's light blue but maybe it doesn't fit your book. Don't fret, you can customize a lot of what you're seeing.

Theme Builder

main : Book x
main =
    book "CustomHeader"
        |> withThemeOptions
            [ ElmBook.ThemeOptions.background "slategray"
            , ElmBook.ThemeOptions.accent "white"
        |> withChapters [] 

Dark Mode

Are you goth? Do you like the dark arts? Then tell your book so and it will always start already in dark mode:

main : Book x
main =
    book "Goth Book"
        |> withThemeOptions
            [ ElmBook.ThemeOptions.darkMode
        |> withChapters [] 

Don't worry… the light-theme losers can turn it off quite easily.


The state of our dark mode setup right now is not that great. It's more like a book thing than a "per user" setting since we can't persist what the user selected using pure elm.

There is a plan to also enable custom fonts soon. Other than that, I believe changes will be less customizable and will focus more on a better UX for all ElmBooks.

Things like ready-to-be-used components like Placeholders, Design Tokens Catalogue, etc, should be handled by separate packages.