After creating a few chapters, it's time to put your book together.
module MyBook exposing (main)
import ElmBook exposing (..)
import FirstChapter exposing (firstChapter)
import SecondChapter exposing (secondChapter)
main : Book ()
main =
book "My Book"
|> withChapters
[ firstChapter
, secondChapter
Grouping Chapters
Let's make it more organized by grouping chapters into guides and component documentations.
module MyBook exposing (main)
import ElmBook exposing (..)
main : Book ()
main =
book "My Book"
|> withChapterGroups
[ ( "Guides"
, [ gettingStarted
, secondGuide
, ( "Components"
, [ buttons
, forms
, charts
Customizing your book
There are a few ways to customize your book:
- Make it interactive (we call those "stateful" books). Check the "Stateful Chapters" guide for more info.
- Customize its visual features (colors, header, ...). See the "Theming" guide for more details.
- Customize the default visual features for components (hide component labels, make them full width, remove the card wrappers, ...). Check the docs.
Each of those are accomplished using optional "attribute" functions. Similar to what you would see when using Html.Attribute
. Take a look:
module MyBook exposing (main)
import ElmBook exposing (..)
import ElmBook.StatefulOptions
import ElmBook.Theme
import ElmBook.Component
main : Book SharedState
main =
book "My Book"
|> withStatefulOptions
[ ElmBook.StatefulOptions.globals [ resetCss ]
, ElmBook.StatefulOptions.initialState initialSharedState
|> withThemeOptions
[ ElmBook.ThemeOptions.background "yellow"
, ElmBook.ThemeOptions.subtitle "Guides & Stuff"
|> withComponentOptions
[ ElmBook.Component.background "black"
|> withChapters
[ ... ]